This is also a joint venture with something I have had the opportunity to do while at the University of Oklahoma--internet radio. The good folks at The Wire have given the Graduate College a two hour slot to discuss everything that is going on with our Graduate Student Life. Currently our slot is from 9:00am to 11:00 am every Thursday. I have the first hour to myself to discuss science news and research. After working solo for a couple of weeks it became apparent that most of the shows ended with a talk about paleontological endeavors. After talking to a few people after the last show, I realized that these were exactly like the stories I heard from my grandparents and their friends while sitting on the porches at their houses. Well, not exactly, there wasn't much talk about fossils, unless a find was announcement in National Geographic.
For the facebook inclined you can like Paleo Porch there too. I upload paleontology related news, photos, threads, or profiles that may be of interest to paleo-nerds. Hopefully this will start to balance out the heavily skewed dinosaur groupie-ism that is so rampant. I will post dino stuff, but mostly focus on the non dinosaurs--pterosaurs, aquatic reptiles, and mammals. I will just hold out until this idea is picked up by PBS or BBC. I would even settle for a kids show. Something needs to give the giant mammals some screen time, after all the Dinosaur Train doesn't stop in the Eocene.
The plan is to overview and summate the goings on each week in the word of paleontology. In addition to the new and noteworthy, I will try to shed some light on historical connections either with the finds, the paleontologists that discovered them, or the localities where they are digging. By updating every week, I will not only be able to keep abreast of all the goings on in the world of paleo, but also give a little more coherence to the show. Please click on The Wire to stream our show as well as others ( I have no idea what some of them are or when, so join at your own risk. There is also streaming video if you just want to see what is going on in the studio. Same link, just click on "video.") I will also upload the media file on facebook hosted through dropbox downloads in case you want to have a sorta amateur podcasts to listen to later.
If anyone has any questions or ideas for topics, leave them here in the comments, or send them to me on facebook. I live with this stuff and take it for granted that many people know more about the backstories of famous fossils than might actually be the case. Welcome aboard, come up and sit a spell. If you are really lucky, you will be able to say that you followed the Paleo Porch blog from the beginning and feel a closer connection as I start a lifetime of hosting the Paleo Porch show. Enjoy They Might Be Giants--they sing about this too.
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